For the past 7 years I have been doing business with only one web company. I must say that I am very impressed with your ability to produce quickly, communicate effectively and to rapidly understand content. You hit the nail on the head with my information and the write ups you produced and changed in my writings were very good and not too much over the top. I am self abasing and needed someone else to pick out my companies good qualities and simply state them. Very good job. Architecture like most closed industries has it’s own terminology and language and that was the only issues I found in your write ups. Obviously if the industry language interferes with you giving me, in your opinion, the best results, I will concede to you because you know best. Also because I already have my own web site, its does not matter to me the look of what you are doing. It is not what I do for my company, but it’s a micro site, a marketing tool, meant to drive people to me and my full site/s, which I am constantly changing. The Micro Site looks good and you have done a good job. I look forward to see the results.
Steven Petitpas Aesthetic Images